Monture azimutale, technologie exclusive HPS 10 Micron, avec encodeurs absolus sur les axes et moteurs à haute performance ; capacité de charge utile de 100 + 55 kg (220 + 143 lb) en configuration à double télescope
The new AZ3000 HPS is an altazimuth mount based on the mechanics of the GM3000. The AZ3000 HPS is a very versatile research mount, perfect for scientific activities such as satellite tracking, photometric and astrometric measurements, LiDaR laser applications and so on. Due to its altazimuthal design, it’s necessary an optional field de-rotator (ASCOM compatible) in order to get long exposures without field rotation.
The standard version allows to assembly the optics to only a side of the mount and is supplied with a short counterweight bar. It’s not necessary to exactly counterbalance the weight of the telescope: using counterweigths for about 50% of your payload to get a sufficient stable configuration.
An option is available for a dual telescope configuration, as shown on the pictueres above (see options for further details).
Learn more about the exclusive 10Micron HPS technology
La AZ3000 HPS est disponible dans une version spéciale pour des températures extrêmement basses. (Code produit 10M3000AZF)