Adapter flange to attach the GM1000 mount to the Standard round pillar, the old Baader AHT tripod or to custom tripods; usually supplied with the GM1000 mount
This adapter flange allows to connect the GM1000 mount to the 10Micron Standard round pillar (#10M1010) and the Baader Octagonal pillar (#10M1210B) using the specific Baader leveling flange (#10M1187B)
It’s also required for the old Baader AHT tripod; it can be helpful also for custom made pillars or tripods.
This flange is normally supplied with the GM1000 mount. It is made of black anodized aluminum.
Not necessary for the ARIES tripod.
No compatible accessory
SKU: 10M1000
SKU: 10M1000AZ
SKU: 10M1010
SKU: 10M1187B