WiFi upgrade – integrated board

SKU: 10M5005

Adapter interface to connect the GMXXXX mounts to a PC, Tablet or Smartphone via WiFi: already installed on new mounts


Technical specs
Included items

This adapter allow a WLAN connection (client and/or access point with routing function) to your GM mount; configuration and managing software  included.
Included with new HPS mounts, or as retrofit for older mount (compatible with mount control box Qtype 2012 series – from 2012 only). The update is not installable by the customer; in order to install this update, you need to send to the 10Micron factory the electronic control box; please ask our support team

Technical specs
  • WLAN connection
  • Client and/or access point (routing)
  • Provided with new HPS mounts
  • Optional for previous models not older than Qtype 2012
  • Factory only installation, please ask our support team
Included items
  • N.A.: the update will be installed at the 10Micron factory

No compatible accessory

Compatible products

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